Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Anna's TED Talk

I thought that Anna's TED Talk topic was very interesting. I like that she was trying to explain to us that creativity is a very important thing and schools shouldn't take creativity out of the school day. I like how she then went on to explain alternatives to showing creativity since schools are taking it out. I like that she used 4H as an example of how people can use their creativity outside of school since some of the creativity areas in 4H are not offered during the school day. Since many of us don't know much about 4H because we haven't been a part of it like Anna has, I think that it would've been interesting if she would've based her point of using creativity outside of school all on the example of 4H. She could've went more in depth with the many different areas that allow for creativity in 4H such as photography, arts and crafts, and fashion design. I also think that at times, she maybe felt that her points weren't strong enough and she wasn't as confident in herself, which made her voice quieter. Therefore, if she stayed confident in the points that she was making, it would've improved her speech.

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